

Global Ride Productions and Cycling Fusion Visit DC’s Off Road Indoor Cycling as Nationwide Promotional Tour
Pittsburgh PA-based Cycling Fusion, powered by Global Ride Productions will be visiting Off Road Indoor Cycling as the final stop in a nationwide kickoff tour for the launch of a new Global Ride DVD series targeted to not just cyclists stuck indoors during the winter, but group Spinning® or Indoor Cycling classes.  Off Road Indoor Cycling, a popular place to ride inside, has agreed to host the event the night of November 9.  The tour will showcase Global Ride’s new Hawaii DVD series, an 18-month project that has culminated in the development of various “virtual ride,” videos that take indoor riders on an outdoor experience.
“We really believe the addition of video is the next evolution of indoor cycling,” says Global Ride founder and long time indoor and outdoor cyclist Gene Nacey.  “We want to bridge the very deep gap between indoor and outdoor cycling and give riders and instructors a unique experience while they exercise.  We are very pleased Off Road Indoor Cycling has offered to host and promote the event.”
Global Ride Productions was founded on that concept of bringing together the segregated worlds of indoor and outdoor cycling through community and proper information.  Most outdoor cyclists believe indoor Spinning® or group cycling provides substandard training for true cyclists, while most indoor riders never go outside and ride. Off Road Indoor Cycling will become one of the nation’s first facilities to showcase the virtual rides, which consist of first-person perspective videos projected on giant 10’ screens in front of the riders, accompanied by live coaching and upbeat, high energy music.
The club intends to fill their indoor cycling studio for the demonstration, so if you want in on the experience, reserve your seat soon.
Global Ride’s DVDs will be available for both home and club use, and will be launched through Global Ride’s all-new website; Cycling Fusion, found at www.cyclingfusion.com.  Information about Off Road Indoor Cycling and the virtual ride demonstration weekend can be found at www.offroaddc.com.
Spinning® is a registered trademark of Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc., a California corporation.

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