What is It?
As a rule, I think the minute food turns purple, your culinary skills have probably taken a turn for the worse. Then again, if your culinary endeavors are already so sketchy your family sends a canary through the kitchen to make sure it’s [...]

Spice Up Your Married Life With “Beyond Dinner”
Beyond Dinner…More Than A New Way To Eat by Jenny Hansen December ‘tis the season’ when Americans kick their schedules up a notch, from “really busy” to “downright insane.” The downside to this holiday insanity is it [...]

We’re Sinking …Pass the Wine, So I Have Something To Hold On To
I once read a statistic saying one-hundred-percent of houses tend to age at some point in their life. And, I don’t know about you, but I tend to take the inside of Dove wrappers very seriously. I also take chocolate very seriously, [...]

A Penny Saved is Probably Someone Else’s
I don’t know what your financial plans look like these days, but I can tell you, we’re starting to run out of space under our mattress. Not that there’s a whole bunch of cash under there. Actually, it’s a whole lot of [...]

And the Toddlers Shall Inherit the Earth
I’m probably the holiest person I know. And by that, I mean my jeggings are splitting and there are giant holes in every bra I own. Saintly? Dear me, no. The only way I’m getting into heaven is if God gets busy settling in [...]