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Mothers are Born of Children
By Piper Bayard It’s children who deliver mothers into the world. Before children, we are daughters, girlfriends, and wives. But until we love a child, we are not mothers. The part of us that grows into a mother remains a child until [...]
Ten Worst Gifts to Give at a Baby Shower
How was everyone’s weekend? I hauled the twins around in a little red wagon until I thought I was going to have a heart attack. It was the longest three minutes of my life. But enough about my fit and active lifestyle. Also worth mentioning [...]

Too Fancy For the Grocery Store
Is it possible to drink so much coffee in twenty-four hours, you feel like you’re being stabbed in the kidney? Just curious. Anywho, how was everyone’s weekend? If you’re like moi, you thought outside the box, [...]

Babies and Crackers
I’m well aware I haven’t given may updates about Doc. So, before we go any further, please know he still lives with us. Okay, that’s cleared up, so let’s talk about some notable milestones, which, to the untrained eye, [...]

10 Creative Ways To Express Your Inner F-Bomb
Creative Swearing for Parents (and other Swearers) by Jenny Hansen My 2 year-old is starting to repeat everything I say and well…I don’t really want her to say some of those words. I swear when things aren’t going smoothly. I think everyone [...]