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Why Would You Stick Your Head In There?
If you were to ask our friends how much Husband and I get out of the house, dollars to donuts, they’d probably look at you and say, “Who?” Besides a social life, the only other casualty this relationship has suffered is an [...]
We are They
By Piper Bayard Remember all of those Jeff Foxworthy “you might be a redneck if” jokes? I didn’t know I was a redneck until Jeff Foxworthy identified me. “If you’ve ever honked at chickens while pulling into your driveway . . .” Didn’t [...]
Free Cultural Extravaganza by Legendary Sri Lankan Dance Troupe at Kennedy Center
The Sri Lanka Embassy Washington DC and the Kennedy Center Millennium stage present the legendary Channa – Upuli Dance Ensemble from Sri Lanka on Tuesday , February 4 , 2014 in a cultural performance featuring Traditional Sri Lankan [...]
Working Girl: When the Prostitute Smurfs, the Princess gets Smurfing Smurfed
Just a Regular Working Girl: Moralistic Values Gleaned from My Time in Chicago’s Seedy Underworld Moral 107: When the Prostitute Smurfs, the Princess gets Smurfing Smurfed Image source My boss Caroline had a lot of hard cash floating around. [...]
Aim for Even: the Zen in Every Day
By KM Huber There is no one way to bring Zen, the “meditative state,” into every day but maintaining Zen in any and every moment is possible. The meditative state is being engaged in life, immersed in it completely. The act of meditating [...]
National Geographic Live: Season Opens Monday
WASHINGTON (Jan. 23, 2014)—National Geographic Live’s spring 2014 season launches Jan. 27 when the popular Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour stops in Washington, D.C. Featuring six days of the world’s best short films and documentaries [...]
Because Every Pair of Pants Needs a “Snack Sack”…
by Jenny Hansen You know, they just don’t make things like they used to… That’s something I never thought I’d say. But, really, when it comes to clothing, this is so very true. Anyone who has bought a pair of jeans in [...]
Some Things are Worth Waiting For…
Some Things are Worth Waiting For By Vicki Hinze I’m mostly convinced that writers lack patience. I don’t know if it’s in the requirements list when we’re passed out skills and talents or an acquired trait, but [...]
Why “Pretty Little Liars” Has This Adult Mystery Lover Hooked…
A Review of ABC Family’s “Pretty Little Liars” by Tiffany A. White The insurgence of YA mysteries on TV these days receives a DVR priority in this Young Adult mystery writer’s house. Thankfully, ABC Family provides young mystery [...]
A Quick Deduction
Ugh, I don’t even know how I’m going to write this post, I’m so distracted by Salvador Perez pressing his face against the front window and mewing like we never feed him and don’t let him sleep in the warm basement, [...]
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